Coral reefs in Jobos Bay (National Estuarine Research Reserve) are under duress by anthropogenic as well as by natural stressors. The main purpose of this project is to implement the FORAM Index and to determine which factors play a seasonal role in the water quality of the reefs. This project is funded by Puerto Rico Sea Grant.

EVR 1001- Fundamentals of Environmental Science (undergraduate)
Conditions that are healthy for living things on earth are the main topics covered in the course. To identify these conditions relevant concepts from biology, chemistry and physics are presented. Threats to healthy conditions, actions that are likely to maintain healthy conditions and laws that promote health conditions are then discussed.
EVR 3023- Introduction to the Marine Environments (undergraduate)
EVS 5970- Master's Degree Thesis (MS graduate)
Performance of research project under the supervision of the student’s thesis advisor.
EVR 3023- Introduction to the Marine Environments (undergraduate)
EVR 3930- Special Topics in Environmental Science (Marine Bioindicator Ecology) (undergraduate)
EVR 4024C/5068C- Marine Microbial Ecology (undergrduate/graduate)
EVR 4027C/5031C- Wetland Preservation and Restoration (undergraduate/graduate)
EVS 5022- Environmental Research Methodology (undergraduate/graduate)
EVS 5911- Supervised Research (MS graduate)
EVS 6913- Supervised Research (PhD graduate)