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Rosa-Marín et al (2024). Reef benthic foraminifera from Puerto Rico (co-author)


Whitall et al (2022). Multiproxy pollution study from American Samoa (co-author)


da Silva et al (2022). Foraminifera, pollution, and paleoenvironments from Brazil


Khokhlova et al (2022). Epiphytic foraminifera from Mallorca (West Mediterranena)


Martins et al (2022). 3,000 year old sediment paleopollution from Spain (co-author)


Fajemila et al (2022). Organic matter and benthic foraminifera from Nigeria (co-author)


Castelo et al (2022). Ammonia tepida PTE bioaccumulation from Brazil (co-author)


BadrEldin et al (2022). Benthic foraminifer and temporal pollution from Egypt


Klootwijk and Alve (2022). Benthic foraminifera, mesh size and environmental health from Norway


Fajemila, et al (2022). Benthic foraminifera and pollution from Nigeria (co-author)


Bouchet et al (2021). Benthic foramainifera and organic carbon (co-author)


Bouchet et al (2021). ForamAMBI in European transitional waters (co-author)


Castelo et al (2021). Foram paleoecology and heavy metals from Brazil (co-author)


O'Malley et al (2021). Foram-AMBI in the Gulf of Mexico (co-author)


Klootwijk et al (2021). Fish farming and foraminiferal ecology in Norway


Fajemila et al (2020). Benthic forams ecology from Nigeria.


Bayrón-Arcelay et al (2020). Foram morphometrics from Puerto Rico


Francesca et al (2020). Benthic foraminifera and cigarettes


Martins et al (2020). FSI, heavy metals in Brazil (co-author)


Boehnert (2020). Deformity, heavy metals in the North Sea


Sánchez et al (2020). FSI, heavy metals in California


Minhat et al (2020). FSI in Thailand


Sousa et al (2020). BIOFOM in Brazil


Hess et al (2020). Foraminiferal reference conditions in Norway


El Kateb et al (2020). Foraminiferal pollution and substratum in Tunisia


Hess et al (2020). Foraminifera and ecological refeence coditions in Norway


El Kateb et al (2020). Foraminiferal biotic indices in Tunisia (co-author)


Prazeres et al (2020). FORAM Index revisited (co-author)


Badr El-Din et al (2019). Foraminiferal deformities and heavy metals (EDS) in Egypt


Dimiza et al (2019). Foraminifera and AEI in Greece


Franzo et al (2019). Foraminifera and nematodes in Italy


Marques et al (2019). Foraminifera, heavy metals, and sewage in Brazil


Bergamin et al (2019). Foraminifera and heavy metals (SEM-EDS) in Italy


Alve et al (2019). Foraminifera and macrofauna (NQI) in Norway


El Baz and Khalil (2018). Foraminifera and heavy metals in Egypt


Jorissen et al (2018). FORAM-AMBI


Gomez-Leon et al (2018). FSI in Gulf of California


Francescangeli et al (2018). Foraminifera, heavy metals (core), and sea level rise in France


El Kateb et al (2018). Foraminifera and heavy metals (seawater) in Tunisia


Spezzaferri et al (2018). Foraminifera bleaching in the Maldives


Martínez-Colón et al (2018). Foraminifera and heavy metals (surface distribution) in Puerto Rico


Martínez-Colón et al (2017). Foraminifera and heavy metals (temporal distribution) in Puerto Rico


Bouchet et al (2018). Foraminifera and EcoQS in Italy


Pregnolato et al (2018). Foraminifera, sewage, AEI in Brazil


Musco et al (2017). Foraminifera Tolerant Species Index in Italy


Pisapia et al (2017). FORAM Index in the Maldives


Suokhrie et al (2017). Foraminifera as bioindicators of pollution (review)


Emrich et al (2017). FORAM Index and sewage in Belize (co-author)


Schwing et al (2017). BP Oil Spill (co-author)


Alve et al (2016). FORAM-AMBI


Dijkstra et al (2016). Foraminifera and physiochemical stressors in Norway


Armynot du Chatelet et al (2016). Foraminifera and coastal pollution in Italy


Martins (2016). Foraminifera and coastal pollution in Brazil


Delavy et al (2016). Foraminifera and coastal pollution (methane) in Brazil


Dimiza et al (2015). FORAM Stress Index


Barras et al (2014). Foraminifera Average Living Depth index modified


Mateu-Vicens et al (2014). Epiphitic foraminiferal index


Sen Gupta (2013). Review and history of environmental micropaleontology


Balsamo et al (2012). Meiofauna (foraminifera and nematodes) as ecosystem bioindicators


Yasuhara et al (2012). Foraminifera in human-induced ecological degradation


Pati and Patra (2012). Foraminifera and coastal pollution (review)


Schonfeld et al (2012). FOBIMO


Hallock (2012). FORAM Index revisited


Frontalini and Coccioni (2011). Foraminifera as bioindicators in Italy (review)


Hallock et al (2010). Foraminifera and ocean acidification in Florida (co-author)


Denoyelle et al (2010). Foraminifera and macrofauna in drill cuttings in Congo Shelf


Armynot du Chatelet and Debenay (2010). Foraminifera and coastal pollution in France (review)


Martínez-Colón and Hallock (2010). Foraminiferal bioindicators in Puerto Rico


Martínez-Colón et al (2009). Foraminifera as heavy metal pollution bioindicators (errata)


Martínez-Colón et al (2009). Foraminifera as heavy metal pollution bioindicators (review)


Mojtahid et al (2008). Foraminifera and sewage in Scotland


Duchemin et al (2008). Foraminifera and drill cuttings in Congo, Gabon, Angola Shelves


Mojtahid et al (2006). Foraminifera and drill cuttings in Congo Shelf


Nigam et al (2006). Foraminifera in ecotoxicology


Hallock et al (2003). FORAM Index


Schafer (2000). Protocols and pitfalls in benthic forams as bioindicators


Sen Gupta and Machian-Castillo (1993). Foraminifera and oxygenation





Schmidt et al (2022). Ammonia and Elphidium heavy metal uptake


Andreas and Bowser (2021). Pd and Cd effects on respiration (agglutinated forams)


Titelboim et al (2021). Amphistegina and heavy metal culture


Ben-Eliahu et al (2020). Metal exposure and response of cultured LBF foraminifera


Liang et al (2020). Long term exposure to calcein and its effects on cultured foraminifera


Losada-Ros et al (2020). Ammonia acute toxicity to Cd culture experiments


Dong et al (2020). Foraminiferal changes in pH culture experiments


Lintner et al (2019). Ammonia culture and feeding.


LeKieffre et al (2017). Ammonia culture, feeding, and anoxia


Dong et al (2019). Foraminiferal ecological structure with temperature and salinity culture


Dong et al (2019). Foraminiferal ecological structure and pH culture


Li et al (2019). Intertidal foraminifera and temperature culture


Brouillette Price et al (2019). Foraminiferal propagules and heavy metal cultures


Frontalini et al (2018). Hg and foraminifera mesocosm cultures


Zhoufei et al (2016). Ammonia proloculus size and salinity culture


Frontalini (2018). Ammonia, eDNA and mercury culture


Frontalini (2016). Ammonia and mercury culture


Frontalini (2015). Ammonia and lead culture


Nardelli et al (2016). Pseudotriloculina and Zn culture


Nardelli et al (2014). Ammonia and anoxia culture


Nardelli et al (2013). Pseudotriloculina and Zn culture


de Nooijer et al (2007). Ammonia and Cu-II culture


Morvan et al (2004). Foraminifera and Erika oil spill culture


Ribes et al (2000). Foraminifera and seagrass culture


Stouff et al (1999). Foraminiferal deformities and salinity culture



GENERAL (ecology, molecular, etc.)


Amergian et al (2022). Ocean alkalinity and benthic foraminifera


Pomar et al (2022). Carbonate clasts (not related to foraminifers)


Pavard et al (2021). Ammonia phylotypes


Richirt et al (2019). Ammonia phylotypes


Borja (2019). AMBI including genomic tools (PowerPoint not related to foraminifers)


Caswell et al (2019). AMBI and M-AMBI in deep time (Jurassic) in UK (not related to foraminifers)


Marguerite et al (2018). M-AMBI adapted to USA waters (US AMBI) (not related to foraminifers)


Martínez-Colón et al (2023). Heavy metals in flora/fauna in Mexico (not related to foraminifers)


Yao et al (2022). Apalachicola Bay palynological record in Florida (not related to foraminifera)


Al-Enezi et al (2022). Foraminiferal morphology and metabarcoding in Kuwait


Capparelli et al (2022). Microplastics and crabs in Mexico (not related to foraminifers) (co-author)


Sut-Lohman et al (2022). Modified Tessier for sewage metal extractions (not related to foraminifers)


Rodrigues et al (2021). Benthic foram DNA metabarcoding from Brazil


Francescangeli et al (2021). Benthic foram ecology in Germany


Hallock and Seddighi (2021). LBF evolution


Martínez-Colón et al (2021). Heavy metals in flora/fauna in Puerto Rico (not related to foraminifers)


Bird et al (2019). Ammonia spp morphology, genetics, and taxonomy


Armynot du Chatelet et al (2018). Replicate sampling


Armynot du Chatelet et al (2018). Living vs dead BF assemblages


Parent et al (2018). Rose Bengal density separation


Prazeres and Renema (2018). LBF microbiomes and evolution


Prazeres, M. (2018). LBF microbiomes and bleaching


El Kateb et al (2018). Methods on field sampling


Simpson et al (2016). Sediment Quality Assessment (not related to foraminifers)


Lei et al (2016). Ammonia morphology and molecular variation


Le Kieffre et al (2017). Foraminiferal ultrastructure


Aylagas et al (2017). microgAMBI (not related to foraminifers)


Roberts et al (2016). Molecular and morphological systematics


Ross and Hallock (2016). Dormancy in foraminifera (review)




Ecarnot et al. (2015). Writing a scientific article (YOU MUST READ)


Buzas et al (2015). Foraminiferal pulsating patches- Indian River in Florida


Sen and Bhadury (2015). Concise review on foraminiferal molecular diversity


de Noojer et al (2014). Foraminiferal biomineralization


Pawlowski et al (2014). Next gen diversity surveys


Pawlowski et al (2012). eDNA (not directly related to foraminifers)


Borja et al (2012). Marine envirnment reference conditions (not related to forams)


Wilson and Wilson (2011). Foraminiferal thanatacoenoses in the Caribbean


Nomaki et al (2008). Foraminifera and trophic levels in deep water


Morvan et al (2006). Foraminiferal patchiness


Goldbeck et al (2005). Foraminifera, predation, trophic level


Hayward et al. (2004). Ammonia phylotypes


Borja (2004). AMBI (not related to forams)


Buzas et al (2002). Foraminiferal pulsating patches- Indian River in Florida


Borja et al (2000). AMBI (not related to forams)


Buzas and Hajek (2000). Foraminiferal Ecology- Indian River in Florida


Usero et al (1998). Comparison of sequential extraction methods (not related to forams)


Gooday et al (1991). Foraminifera, predation, trophic level


Buzas and Severin (1984). Foraminiferal Ecology- Indian River in Florida



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