Coral reefs in Jobos Bay (National Estuarine Research Reserve) are under duress by anthropogenic as well as by natural stressors. The main purpose of this project is to implement the FORAM Index and to determine which factors play a seasonal role in the water quality of the reefs. This project is funded by Puerto Rico Sea Grant.
The Florida State University Coastal Marine Laboratory is leading this research effort as part of their HydroSMAC exploration cruise (Hydrodynamics and Habitat Suitability for Meiofauna And Corals). The primary objective of this research is to find and assess deep water coral communities and to ground-truth habitat suitability models.
Dr. Martínez-Colón will be analyzing core sediment samples for foraminiferal biocoenosis, ecology, and environmental indices. This project is funded by NOAA-OER program.
This project is currently funded by NOAA Center for Coastal and Marine Ecosystems (CCME-II).
Florida State University
- Dr. Sandra Brooke (PI)
- Dr. Amy Baco and Dr. Jeroen Ingels (Co-PIs)
- Adam Alfasso, Ben Brantley, and Anthony Solguizzo (gradaute students)
- Dr. Matt Poti and Dr. Arlis Winship (collaborators)
University of Gent (Italy)
- Gabriella Pantó (graduate student)
Florida A&M University
- Dr. Steven Morey (Co-PI) and Dr. Michael Martínez-Colón (collaborator)